How can cooked food be packed and not be spoiled for several days (at least 7 days) without any preservatives added, you may wonder. I may as well get canned goods rather than be fooled of having fresh packed foods that would last several days?????
Drastically speaking, the technique we use is very simple. An age old technique actually.
In the past, most of the recommended easy to cook camp foods are dehydrated foods. However sometimes we have trouble of rehydrating the food. It would require more than the water we can carry especially when our camp site is not near a water source likewise our fuel get "used up".
In the past, most of the recommended easy to cook camp foods are dehydrated foods. However sometimes we have trouble of rehydrating the food. It would require more than the water we can carry especially when our camp site is not near a water source likewise our fuel get "used up".
In my initial search for how to conserve on water and of course fuel, I've not completely stopped asking and observing until the right time came along. The answer has always been under my nose and the procedure is not even new, i was shocked.
The great technique for preserving food is for it to pack them like "tupperware" does... sealed and air should not get in the container. Vacuum the air from the food container.Once food is exposed to air, the decomposition also starts. However with handy equipment and proper thickness of the container or wrapper, our food won't spoil our most awaited travel may it be backpacking or otherwise.
So fellow travelers, you may not even worry having to eat just anywhere because you can bring you own food everywhere and be assured that your food is NOT SPOILED...
We can vacuum pack or better yet order from us VACUUMED COOKED PACKED FOODS...With this system we do not have to carry a lot of fuel and a very sophisticated stove. JS' stove will suffice (JS' stove is very light and very handy :-) and great for heating up food, boiling water economically) Ooops I will talk about stoves in another blog entry.
So there you go ... your life will be a lot better when you would go light on yourself ... especially on your back.... and pockets later.
To learn more about the foods, prices, packaging , click the following link